Have you ever opened your program after 10 P.M and been flash banged with a white screen, burned your retinas and gone blind?

Waited more than 10 seconds for it to load? Which was already to long 8 seconds ago... and it still isn't done?

Started week 5 and had to scroll left and right 10 times to figure out where you started and what you did last week in order to figure out what you are meant to be doing right now?

Opened Google Sheets when it's meant to have been updated but the updates aren't showing? Or maybe tried to update something in Google sheets and it just doesn't work like it should?

Well... Not anymore.


Dark & Light mode. Because for some reason this isn't a default thing everywhere
Designed for mobile first with responsive layouts that adjust to screen size
Normalized data inputs that can then be used for analytics
Easy history tracking
Easy bookmarking so you can pick up where you left off
Google sheets